
Who created the children? It was God, not you or I.
Who trusted us to care for them? It was He, up in the sky.
God created the children and put them in our care.
The parents of the little ones that we might love them and share.
All the knowledge we have gained during the period of our life.
That we may help them grow and teach them how to deal with strife.
The more love and respect we offer to the children,
The more they will learn how to give love and when.
They need to see our words in action so they can copy what to do,
For they are little sponges, who will do the same as I and you.
So, be careful how you treat the children, both in word and in deed.
Share the love that flows so freely with the many souls in need.
God honored us, the parents with the supervision of the little ones.
They are their own individuals both the daughters and the sons.
Help the children find their rhythm, let’s not impose ours on them.
They need the space to develop, not our voices to condemn.
Allow them room to become. All God intended them to be,
So they may experience beauty in absolutely everything they see.

Written with love and adoration for
Sean and Angie, my gifts from God 1992

With love, light and always hope,

Mom (Trina)

My hope for you today is that you remember who you are:
A woman created in God’s image, who is much closer than afar.
My prayer for you today is that you remember where to go
and that is down on your knees to recall all that you know.
You have everything you need within your heart and soul.
Now is the time to stand up and be counted and be told.
Of the love that surrounds you both in the day and night.
There is no need to worry or dwell on wrong or right.
But rather trust in who you are and who you are going to be.
Soon you will have new ears to hear and new eyes to see,
All the goodness that surrounds you and is present to accept.
All you have to do is reach out, allow and in God’s grace be kept.
For only God can save you from the insanity of your mind.
I ask God to remind you that you are loving and kind.

I recently wrote this poem for my daughter, Angie after visiting with her in treatment. Many emotions have gone through my mind, heart and soul after her relapse from drug addiction. When I first found out I was angry and detached, like I had had enough, I just could not live through this one more time and then I remembered that she is my daughter and I chose to do as I wrote in my first book, “Just Love Her.” I really didn’t even know what that meant this time around, however, I began to ask God to please reveal to me my role in her life this time through relapse and treatment. Very clearly I was reminded of the Kahil Gibran poem about children and how they come through us but they are not ours, they always belong to God. So, once again, I asked for the guidance to take one day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time to get through the ache in my heart that I felt even more deeply than any other time. There were times when I tried to pray and nothing came. Other times, I tried to send her pink ribbons of love as I had suggested to others in my book and I couldn’t even do that. Somehow over the days and weeks I have come to a place of remembering that God is always in control and my role is to take care of me every day in every way. I have chosen to take her calls and when she asks me to visit her, I pray about it and make the best decision I can for myself at the time. I now recognize the importance of accepting what is in the past, embracing the present and allowing the future to unfold. The words that I have written in the poem are from the depth of my heart, through the tears of a mother who  always wants the highest good for her daughter.

With love, light and hope,


A shell is all there is
of the person I once knew.
I thought things were great
in my relationship with you.

I began to ask myself each day,
“Am I the one who’s wrong?”
I thought I knew about all drugs—
Pot, prescription, coke and bongs.

I looked at myself in the mirror
and saw what I needed to do.
I read books and talked and prayed
that the mirror be revealed to you.

When that did not happen:
I was angry, sick and more,
and found out soon enough
you wouldn’t let me in your door.

The door to your heart is closed, it seems,
and I cannot go there.
Drugs turn you into someone
Who seems not to even care.

I ask and I wait and I wonder,
as I stare at the heavens above,
and I pray that all this chaos
will one day be turned into love.

For it is only love
that will change the way we feel.
For we all need one another,
and we all have to heal.

Let us heal from this addiction
that has robbed us of our lives.
There is no one who is immune from this—
moms, dad, sons, daughters, husbands or wives.

Let us all vow to take a stand—
and look into the mirror, each of us,
reach deep within and learn to love,
praying for clarity, truth and trust.

With love, light and hope.


Twelve years have passed since I held you in my arms.
I wish I had known more to keep you from harm.

At times I am angry and other times I am sad.
I wish I had known more about the life you had.

If only I could bring you back and talk to you again.
I wish I had known more, I sometimes feel like I’m insane.

As I grow older and reflect about our life and us.
I wish I had known more. Now you are reduced to dust.

You were a great woman, mother, wife, daughter, and friend.
I wish I had known more about your life from beginning to end.

Now all I have are memories. They are mine to recall.
I let go of my wish to know more. I will now stand tall.

For you are the mother I chose to learn about who I am.
Thank you for what you taught me. Your gift to me is “I CAN.”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Philippians 4:13

This was my mom’s favorite Bible verse and it is truly a legacy she has gifted to me and I am grateful. My source of strength comes from God and I know that I have everything I need within me for this earth journey. My mother loved her children unconditionally and was always available to us. She never hesitated to answer our call and get in her car to come to us when we needed her. Sadly, she suffered from Bulimia most of her life and it was only after her death that we put the pieces of the puzzle together and came to this realization. This poem is a reflection of the sadness I carried for years thinking about how much pain she must have been in and was unable to express it as thirty or forty years ago Bulimia was not really known and definitely not talked about. Mom, thank you for loving me and for leading by example how to love life, every day, every hour, every minute that God allows me to experience love on this earth. I miss your physical presence, however, when the monarch butterfly shows up, it is my reminder that you are never far away and always in my heart.


Joli (my sister), my mom (Arline) and myself

With love, light and hope.


Today I met my mirror. What more can I say?
I had no idea that it would happen this way.
To KNOW a Soul Sister, a like-minded friend.
A coffee, a tea, discussing where we’ve been.
Talking back and forth, sharing the feather.
A glorious sun-filled day, enjoying the weather.
A perfect analogy of our first rendez-vous.
Both of us recognizing the mirror of ME and YOU.
For SHE is ME and I am HER.
We ARE in this moment and not who we were.
For this is the only time we have on this earth
and together we will co-create a new birth.
Offering hope to women, to be all they can be.
As they are reflections of the mirror of YOU and ME.

With love, light and hope.


What does addiction mean to you?
Will you stop, reflect, be honest and true
About how this word has impacted your life
And caused you pain, suffering and strife?
Have you had enough? Is it time to let go
Of what holds you back and keeps you low?
For the time is now to love and forgive.
This is your chance to rise up and live.
Learn from the choices you’ve made in the past;
They are gone forever and they won’t last.
Begin with you – make a change, a shift.
The moment you do, your spirit will lift.
You will see life with brand new eyes
And be attracted to those who are wise.
For it is wisdom you need to grow,
And you will reap whatever you sow.
Take the time; look within your heart.
Trust that you can create a new start.
When you release what holds you back,
You’ll experience more, rather than lack.
Only love will change the way you feel.
Embark on a journey that helps you heal.
For the parts of your life that don’t feel right,
Ask for guidance; bring them into the light.
For the light is love, and love is you.
Take the step today and begin life anew.

With love, light and hope,


Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am in the here and now.
All you have to do is ask,
accept and then allow.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am in the now and here.
All you have to do is let go
and I will wipe away your tear.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am in this moment with you.
All you have to say is that
you want me here too.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am in this space right now.
No need to talk about the
when, where, why or how.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am holding you in my arm.
No need to fear as I will
keep you from all harm.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am touching you with my love.
I hope you can feel it
radiating from above.

Yes, I am present in your pain.
I am reflecting your love to me.
I hope you can see who you are
and who you are meant to be.

With love, light and hope,


Can you be present in my pain
when I get quiet and shut down
and I choose to reflect
on the light and the sound?

Can you be present in my pain
when I have no words to say
and I need time to listen
and find my own way?

Can you be present in my pain
when I want to lay my head
and let go of what’s going on
and what has been said?

Can you be present in my pain
when I cry out in despair
for what I thought I did wrong
and seemed not to care?

Can you be present in my pain
when I toss and turn about
and I am filled with anguish,
sadness, guilt and doubt?

Can you be present in my pain
when I know not where to turn
and I am about to lose all
and crash and burn?

Can you be present in my pain
when I want to scream and yell
and question about heaven
and wonder about hell?

Can you be present in my pain
when I take time to be alone
and need to clear my head
and work through my tone.

Can you be present in my pain
when I reflect upon the past?
Can you hold me oh so tight
and remind me it won’t last?

Can you be present in my pain
when I am ready to move on?
Can you love me for who I am
and together build a bond.

Based on love, respect and trust,
forgiveness, truth and more.
Reach out, hold my hand
and together we will soar.

With love, light and hope.


Are you willing to take the time
to look your triggers in the face?
What prompted you to feel this way
have you responded in haste?

When someone holds the mirror
of the triggers of your past.
It is a clear message to let go
and know the feeling will not last.

For triggers will surface
as we begin to look inside.
No longer hold us prisoner,
no need to stay and hide.

For our truth will set us free
as we search deep within.
Ask for courage on this path
and seek out like minded kin.

For others hold their light
as we seek new birth.
Learning how to be at peace
and claim our God given worth.

For it is only love
that will sustain you in your life.
A gift free for the taking,
removing all pain and strife.

So the next time someone
triggers you in a particular way.
Remember to look deep within
and know it is a new day.

To do things differently
than they have been done before.
You are now being awakened
and can ask for so much more.

Ask for love, grace and compassion
as you make your choice.
To hear the love from others
which is a reflection of your voice.

With love, light and hope,


“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the
greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:3 When I awoke
this morning and looked out my window, all I could see was a heavy
fog hanging over the water and the trees. Everything was still, not
moving, not even a slight hint of wind. It was sort of eerie and it
was calling me to look deeper, calling me out to the waters edge to
hear what was being said in the stillness, the place that many of
us have a difficult time exploring. However, often it is in the
quiet, the places that appear to be misty or hazy that our answers
are revealed. So, once I finished my coffee, I headed to the beach.
I had a feeling I would have the beach to myself this morning as
few people choose to venture out in the fog. The beach was
beautiful, as always and the seashells were abundant. However, I
could only see about fifty feet ahead of me and then everything
became a blur. There were a couple of people walking but I could
only see stick figures until I was within twenty feet of them and
then they became clearer. Some time in to my walk I decided to take
off my glasses as they kept fogging up and at times I could hardly
see even a few feet ahead of me. I realized that my sense of
hearing was heightened and the waves began to take on a new
rhythm. I was no longer trying to focus on what was ahead of me but
rather I took on a new sense of appreciation for every step I took
on the beach. I was totally living in the present moment. Suddenly
everything changed. When I took off my glasses, which are symbolic
of my aid to see clearly, I was able to hear more clearly.
Interesting, isn’t it? When I let go of my need to know what was
ahead of me and rather chose to appreciate each step I could hear
more clearly. Not only could I hear the waves but then I could hear
the answers to the questions I had been asking myself over the past
couple of days. If you want to experience more love in your life,
choose to be in the present moment. Do something that brings you
back to the present because it is truly the only moment we have?
Don’t wait until a catastrophe happens in your life for you to
realize that each moment is a gift to be unwrapped and appreciated.
Don’t hoard up your gifts for one day, for one day may never come.
Think about how you feel when you are walking down the street and
someone smiles at you. Does it bring a sense of joy to your heart?
Think about when you call a 1-800 number and you get a pleasant
person on the other end of the line, does it bring a smile to your
face? Think about when someone gives you a genuine hug, does it
make you feel special. These are all things that are in the present
moment. Not yesterday and not tomorrow. I encourage you to take a
moment once you finish this article and remind yourself that you
are love, that you may be the only representation of God’s love
someone may see, hear or feel today. How do you choose to represent
love in this moment? Love is a choice and it begins with each of
us. I hope that when you look in to my eyes, you see love. I hope
that when you hear me speak, you hear the voice of love, I hope
that when I give you a hug, you feel love and I hope that as you
read these words, you choose love. With love, light and hope. Trina